Monday, November 15, 2004

sadly..chauvinists exist

Several Greenhills homeowners associations launched a campaign and issued a letter to oppose the construction of a mosque in their area. They said this would result in security problems and higher crime rate.
This issue has gone so far that the Catholic and Protestant Church leaders have supported the Muslims saying that these Greenhills residents were speaking from prejudice and ignorance on Muslim culture and faith.
Within Virra Mall, Catholic prayer rooms have already been constructed. Why can’t a Muslim prayer room with tiled floors and an aircon be built as well?
If we base it on Ramon Reyes’ definition of morality, the Greenhills residents who opposed the construction of a Muslim prayer room would not even fit the deontological moral theory which is concerned with laws and obligations. Religious tolerance is the order of the day not only in the Philippines but in the Vatican as well. Instead, they took away the Muslims’ right to their religion and practice. If they can’t fully accept the Muslims, they should at least remember that they have a moral duty to respect other religions. As a matter of fact, we are all called to live harmoniously with our Muslim brothers who have long been stereotyped and lined with terrorism and insurgencies. We must learn to co-exist out of love for each other and for our God as well.
Jacques Thiroux says that morality deals with how humans treat each other to promote mutual welfare , growth, creativity, and meaning in striving for good over bad and right over wrong. In this world full of differences, it is still possible to attain unity, peace and progress. Though we take on different routes, growth and development can be attained without stepping on one another or pulling each other down. The residents of Greenhills have claimed that the mosque will be the cause of business downfall and the sudden influx of gangs and criminals. How can we achieve unity if we think like this towards our neighbors? Why do we treat our neighbors like criminals when we are called to live in mutual respect with one another despite our differences in gender, race or religion?
It is a pity that these residents circulated fliers around containing insults against the Muslims. Not only have they caused pain to our Muslim brothers but they have heightened the tension that everyone wishes to turn into peace.
Each one of us has a right to glorify our God. Everyone must be given the chance to express his faith. However, nobody among us can speak wrong of another’s religion, whatever our reasons might be.

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